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Re-writing your career path: how to start a job in IT.

What is Salesforce?

Salesforce is a CRM platform that provides services for major brands like Apple, Uber, Unilever, Facebook, and more. It is one of the world’s largest technology companies and it was founded in 1999 by Marc Benioff as the first cloud computing company in San Francisco.

It’s estimated that 4.2M jobs will be created in the Salesforce ecosystem by 2024.

With Customer 360 — an integrated platform that brings company and customers together, Salesforce unites marketing, sales, commerce, service, and IT teams, providing an exceptional customer experience. This solution makes Salesforce the favorite platform for companies that would like to improve their end-to-end services and to feel secure about their information. 360 improves the customers’ experience but at the same time creates the perfect scenario for new job positions.

The Salesforce platform is vast! That means you have several paths to choose from: you can be a consultant, marketer, administrator, developer, and more. Fortunately, Salesforce has found the perfect combination of tools — to facilitate the insertion into the ecosystem and take the right path for you.

All you need is Trailhead

Salesforce provides all the tools — All you need is Trailhead!

Trailhead, a learning platform tool, organizes topics to specific roles or needs and different experience levels.

The best part about Trailhead is that it is for EVERYONE and for free, and you can have fun while you’re learning. You can start your career in Salesforce just by creating a profile.

Sharing is caring.

You’ll never be alone — community is another significant piece in Salesforce. The Trailblazer community it’s not the typical tech job community — it is much more. They come together to learn and have fun in the process, and it’s usually referred to as Ohana.

Ohana is a Hawaiian term that means extended and chosen family. It describes the bond between all the people that is part of the ecosystem.

Salesforce employees in Chicago chat next to Cloudy and Codey. This picture is the property of

There are 4 programs to foster and grow the community: Trailblazer Community Groups, Salesforce MVPs, Salesforce Champions, and Salesforce Mentorship.

Trailblazer Community Groups helps everyone to thrive with Salesforce. You can learn from your peers, build your network and find mentors. You can explore by location and pick the group that is more suitable for you, with the pandemic crisis now you can virtually join any group around the world.

The second pillar in Trailblazer Community are Salesforce MVPs. They are passionate product experts, leaders who share expertise to help others learn Salesforce and connect to Trailblazer Community. Salesforce MVPs are nominated by the community.

Salesforce Champions is another initiative to grow. Leadership, advocacy, and generosity are the 3 main values for Champions, which means you’re always looking for opportunities to drive transformation, share your knowledge and passion across Salesforce channels and your own, and help others succeed in Trailblazer Community.

Finally, but not least, the Trailblazer Mentorship program connects experienced people in the Salesforce ecosystem with mentees — to help them understand their career options and land their dream job in the Salesforce ecosystem.

Clicks not code

Part of the Salesforce ecosystem is to work with declarative programming. Salesforce provides 2 types of programming approaches: the well-known code-oriented programming and the declarative one — which allows someone to build an application with a click or a drag-and-drop solution.

Anyone can learn to use declarative programming. It’s faster than traditional code-oriented programming — which opens the door to new opportunities for those who would like to get into the tech industry without having a programming background.

Career transformation at Modelit

At least 40% of our team joined us as Juniors, some of them without previous experience and others with experience in other IT fields.

At Modelit our purpose is to empower organizations and individuals with Salesforce, so they can use technology to grow and thrive.

Our team has different backgrounds, and some of them came from completely different studies, and our team has achieved a Salesforce Recognition.

Natalia has been working at Modelit for 5 years, but IT wasn’t her first option. “I was studying Biotechnology at University, and in my 3rd year one of my subjects was programming, I realized that I enjoy it and I would like to work on IT. It was challenging to decide to change career when I was so advanced, but I just did it.”

Sebastian, one of our QA, has a Ph.D. in Biological Science. After finishing his studies — he started to look for new opportunities and found in the IT industry the career path he needs. “I’m always telling some of my friends they should try it because you have many options in the industry to choose.”

Rodrigo told us; “When I had my interview at Modelit, Diego mentioned they worked with Salesforce. I repeated the word Salesforce in my head during the interview, to not forget it and google it after. I started at Modelit as a QA Analyst — I was in that job position for 4-years. At the 4-year milestone, I started working as a Salesforce Administrator — I got certified and have been in that role for the last 3-years. 8-months ago, I took the Team Lead responsibilities.”

We believe in equal opportunities for all — we’re committed to achieving equality in job positions.

If you would like to start a new career path stay in tune — Never it’s too late to start over!